Saturday, September 02, 2006


Using PC Monitor/Keyboard/Mouse with Mac

People like me who buys Mac Mini may try to use their existing PC Monitor/Keyboard/Mouse.
This is mainly an environmental saving concern!

Yes, Mac recognises ALL of my PC CRT/LCD monitors. It is just plug-N-play, and what
surprise me is that its capability to tune my old CRT monitor to the best performance automatically.

For Keyboard, Mac recognises any wired USB keyboard during first start-up. It even
recognises special keys of my Multimedia Keyboard such as Shutdown, Mute, Volume
Up, Volume Down.
I spent too much time trying to map special keys that isn't recognised for Mac OS X Tiger.
I think I put this aside for now since they are not keys of standard Keyboard.

For mouse, it is also plug-N-play. I have a 3-button mouse, and the second mouse
button provides the same functionality as [ Control + Click ]. The middle button is used
for dragging to select the portion of the image while editing photo.

I think Logitech wireless Keyboard/Mouse should be working for Mac OS X Tiger!
Mac Vendors did sale it as part of the bundle.

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