Friday, September 22, 2006


How to decompress compressed file in Mac

In Mac OS X Tiger, you can create/decompress a .zip file without
using any third party program.

However, for compressed file other than .zip such as
.sit / .sea / .hqx / .sit.hqx / .bin / .mme , etc ...,
you need a small program called StuffIt Expander,
a free download from!

It works similar to WinZip on PC!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


How to clean disk space on your Mac

Mac OS X Tiger comes with a very good utility called Disk Utility,
which can repair, clean, restore hard drive.

Click on Finder Icon, choose Applications, under Utilities folder,
choose Disk Utility. Then highlight your hard drive, choose
Erase Pane, Click on Erase Free Space ... button as shown below.
Choose your erase option and click on Erase Free Space ... again
to start cleaning your disk.

It works similar to QuickClean from McAfee/Norton Wipeinfo from
Symantec on your PC!

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